Ball Flight

Why Carry Distance Is Important

3 reasons why the distance the ball flies in the air is more important than the distance the ball rolls once it lands.

1. Time and distance in the air have very little to do with how much your ball rolls once it lands.

If the golf ball is struck properly with minimal backspin and a proper launch angle you will obtain maximum distance because the proper Launch Angle will allow the ball to fly further in the air and still roll once it lands. This happens because minimal Backspin on the ball helps to maintain sufficient speed in the air and will allow the ball to have enough momentum once it lands to still roll out.

2. The bounce the ball takes off the ground is unpredictable.

You could land in a soft spot, hard spot, uneven spot or other irregular area causing the ball to bounce unexpectedly therefore you cannot rely upon roll out to maximize your distance.

3. Distance is maximized when the ball is traveling the fastest for the longest amount of time.

The ball travels faster through the air because there is less friction compared to the ground. You maximize Ball Speed the longer the ball is in the air. As soon as the ball hits the ground the ball slows up rapidly due to increased friction.